It's cooling off outside, but things are heating up at CLC - come and enjoy the family community and the fun!
Jubilee Sunday is September 18! Worship with us at 9am followed by Project 363 and the completion of Shoe Away Hunger outreach events. Stay for the Pulled Pork Pot Luck Picnic and play some outdoor games - check out the newly completed GaGa pit!
Sunday, September 25 is PV Cinnamon Roll Sunday! The smell of fresh baked sweet rolls and cinnamon bread will greet you as you come for Worship. Proceeds support the 2017 Youth Mission Team.
Enjoy a few rolls over a cup of coffee and you stay for the Congregational Meeting at 10am. Your voice and vote matter!
Wednesdays are ALIVE with music, Christian ed classes and worship for all ages! Check it out, beginning at 5:30pm.
Our Daily Bread Cafe' will be serving delicious meals beginning on Wednesday, October 5 at 5pm. Come hungry - we will fill you up at CLC!