We are excited to HOST the Pea Soup Days Parade again this year!

The Somerset Lions Club, Somerset Chamber of Commerce, and Somerset Fire Department are hosting our annual Pea Soup Days celebration on June 5, 6, 7, & 8, 2025. The parade is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, June 7, 2025 @ 11:00 a.m. SAVE THE DATE!!

  • Parade line-up will start at 10:00 a.m. at the High School parking lot onto Spartan Way in the Somerset School complex.

  • Units will line up in numbered order starting in the High School Parking lot and extending down Spartan Way.  Entry for parade participants will be on the Round About and extend down Spartan Way.

  • Somerset Lions Club members will be at the line-up site to assist in getting the parade order arranged.

  • We ask that you park any vehicles not used in the parade in the high school parking lot (behind the High School building).

  • Please enter the school complex through the Round About onto Spartan Way and look for a Lions member to direct you to your numbered location for your parade line up.  Once we receive and process your registration, your parade number will be e-mailed to you a week in advance. 

  • Candy IS allowed.

CLICK HERE - To print & complete the Mail-In Registration Form


The Staging Area will be located @ Somerset High School.

Starting Area: Enter Sunrise Drive @ the ROUNDABOUT by the Middle School.
Exit Area: Exit the parade @ Main Street & Depot Street
—> Turn Left onto Depot Street if you need to go back to the school district campus area
—> If you don’t need to return to the school campus just continue strait on Main Street to exit

Sunrise Drive --> Main Street --> Left on Main Street --> To Depot Street --> Ends @ Depot Street.