online feedback form
We understand that life is busy! But if you're willing to tell us your story...we're listening!
Please share your vision with us through this online link.
A Somerset Community Foundation Initiative
You've heard it takes a village...well it definitely takes a community! Jump in to one of our "Kayak" teams and help gather, communicate, analyze and act on the information that'll shape our community's future! You can help us connect with community members in a variety of ways using talents and/or interests you already have! Join our group of community guides... Rivers + Roads.
UPDATE (APRIL 10, 2018)
We can't thank you enough for sharing your stories and insights with us during this journey to discover the future of Somerset! It's been an incredible experience as we've been able to connect with over 450 of you!
We have ONE LAST opportunity for you to share your story with us coming up soon! We still haven't heard from the St. Anne's group and many others I'm sure. We don't have an exact date or location yet but please email us at and make sure your voice is heard!
In the meantime we invite you to share your story with us online as well! Click here to submit your story:
On August 31st & September 1st we held our first successful community listening event at Somerset Elementary School during their Assessment Days where R+R listened to 125 parents share their amazing stories!
Our next listening session is scheduled for September 26th (9/26/17) at 12:00-1:00 p.m. at Somerset Senior Center/Town Hall (748 Hwy 35, Somerset, WI 54025).
We will also have several listening sessions scheduled over the next several months and located throughout the community. We welcome all residents from the Town of Somerset, Village of Somerset, Town of Star Prairie, Town of St. Joseph, Town of Richmond and others to join us!